Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Emma Grace - 16 months

Here are some pics of our "sweet" Emma Grace. She hit the big 16 month mark on the 12th of December. She has become this huge personality in this little bitty body. It is amazing how different her and Clayton are. Gracie is alot like her Daddy with a little bit of her Mommy thrown into the mix. (Which is funny to us...you'd think like Father like Son...but the opposite has proven to be true for us. Clayton is more like myself. It's scary actually.) Emma is going to be another giant like Big Brother....she was off the charts at her 15 month checkup - even more so than Clayton at the same age. He had better watch out how much abuse he deals her because before long she will probably be getting the upper hand! Emma is a little behind Clayton at the same age as far as vocabulary and some other skills but we're confident that she'll catch up. Her doctors just chalk it up to "Second Child Syndrome" - No need to talk because everyone does it for you (although I really don't think this is true!) Emma is a HUGE Dora the Explorer fan. I would call her a fanatic. She can be in the middle of a fist pounding fit and she'll hear the Dora theme song and just perk right up. "Dor-a" was one of her very first words. Can you guess what there is going to be alot of under our Christmas tree ?


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