Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Christmas at the Honer's!!!!

Nothing better than a good box to play with!! Forget the toys!
A small portion of Clayton's haul..........

Clayton & Santa at the Honer Christmas

Emma Grace's new ride!!!!!!!

Clayton & Emma Christmas Morning

Clay & Emma Grace Christmas Eve

**Sorry for the delays...Blogger was giving me some problems posting!***

Well....we have survived yet another Christmas. Brian and I had exactly zero Holly Jolly spirit this year! And for those of you wondering - I am STILL working on my Christmas cards. Please note that our cards never say Merry Christmas - we tend to stick with Holiday cards as there are slim chances of our cards arriving before Christmas. Hopefully, this week I will get them out!!!

Santa didn't miss our house, that's for sure! After Christmas at my Mom's we were questioning why we even bothered to purchase any presents for them!!!! We opened presents from each other Christmas Eve, Santa came and we opened presents from him Christmas morning, then we went to my Mom's and opened presents at 9am and then it was on to Green Bay for Christmas with Brian's family in the evening. Whew!!!! (No wonder we love Christmas so much...) We took Brian's truck to my Mom's and came home with it completely filled with Transformer's, Pirate stuff, Power Rangers, and lots of Dora stuff! We are still opening new toys daily! Our basement is three rooms full of toys as well as the living room and Emma's bedroom. It is ridiculous. Christmas with the Honer's was pretty much a nightmare for Brian and myself - let me explain. Brian's sister built a new home in 2005. Let's just say it is pretty much for adults which in Brian's family would be fine. We are the only ones with small children. The rest are teenagers or older. Brian's sister has a beautiful collection of Norman Rockwell and other assorted (ie expensive) items that Clayton and especially Emma have no business being around. So Christmas with the Honer's was pretty much 4 hours of HELL chasing Emma and trying to keep her sticky fingers from breaking what it took Bev years to collect. I have never been so happy to see a hotel room in my entire life. On the very very plus side to Christmas at the Honer's - Santa made an appearance! And it was an excellent Santa (we're experts on Santa!) so that was nice for Clayton and Emma. They slowed down for a little bit anyway. And in the end I think all that was broken was a couple of bulbs.....thank goodness! Here are some pics from Christmas. (Next year, I am thinking Christmas at Disney!)


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