Wednesday, June 09, 2010

All About Clayton

Recently, I've gotten alot of messages through Facebook about Emma being my "favorite" not true. Anyone who is a parent knows that you don't have a favorite - you love them the same amount equally. However, there are different things that I love about each of them that doesn't necessarily pertain to the other. Emma is a handful, while cute as a button. Clayton is ultra laidback, a parent's dream. I could have a week's worth the posts outlining their differences!

25 + Things I Love About Clayton (..this could easily turn into a thousand)

Dear Clayton,

1) You were my firstborn~through you,I learned about love at first sight.

2) Based on age, you are hands down the most intelligent person I know.

3) How outgoing you are - you'll talk to anyone about anything.

4) Your drive and your belief in yourself - you are going to be an outstanding man one day!

5) How kind you are to others ~ it's amazing!

6) You are an OUTSTANDING son!

7)..But a more incredible brother..there are days it brings me to tears. Sissy can be tough!

8) Even at just 7 years old, you possess far more patience than I can dream of having.

9) You are not afraid to dream and dream BIG!

10) You still love crawling into our bed to snuggle...someday I'll miss this!

11)You are the best snuggler!

12) You are GREAT at Math!

13) You love to read and are an awesome reader!!

14) You have the happiest disposition I've ever seen in a child...even though you were a REALLY cranky baby. (In your defense, your father and I were pretty clueless....)

15) You know just about every.single.dinosaur.

16) You are probably the most passionate person I know in regards to your family and your interests. You are always "all in".

17) You make friends instantly.

18) Your big appetite - I am SCARED how much it will cost to feed you as a teenager$$$

19) Your desire and visions to change the world - even though you're only 7.

20) You still count Daddy and I as your best friends :)

21) You are ultra responsible. I would trust you with about anything.

22) You are a positive role model for your sister and your peers - keep it up!

23) You have a fearless heart for God- I struggle with this myself and admire it in you. .

24) You are always polite and well mannered - makes for some very proud parents!

25) You always see the silver lining - thank you for sharing it with me. :)

26)How quickly you learn!

27) How you are totally willing to go out of your comfort zone to try something new!

28) Your love of travel and adventure - I hope we have many more!!!!

29)You are fiercely protective - especially of Emma. She's lucky to have you!

30) You are impossibly inquisitive. Thank goodness for the internet - it helps me answer some
of your questions with a degree of accuracy.

Being your Mom is one of the biggest've taught me so much about myself and the person I would like to be. If there is such a thing as perfection - I see it in you. I love you a bushel and peck and hug around the neck xoxoxo

Love, Momma


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