Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Pics 2006

Here are Clayton & Emma's Christmas Pics. We had them done at JCPenney on Dec. 5th. Usually, I am not a huge JCP Portrait Studio fan but these are alright. Clayton did his usual fabulous job. Emma....Emma was just plain difficult. So difficult in fact I was not able to go back and order until this past Monday. So our cards won't be back until the 23rd, making us late again..... I forgot how hard they were to photograph at that age. Wait....maybe Clayton never was that difficult. Clayton had the right idea. I'd like to have stuffed her ass in that box too. It was the only way to contain her that day. GOOD GRIEF EMMA GRACE! But aren't they just so cute.........

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More Pictures From the Summer!

Clowning around with Daddy!
Showing off his Bug Juice (cheap sugar water!)...

Very stylish at 11 months old!

Emma "Ugly Face" mad at her brother again!

Emma Grace - 16 months

Here are some pics of our "sweet" Emma Grace. She hit the big 16 month mark on the 12th of December. She has become this huge personality in this little bitty body. It is amazing how different her and Clayton are. Gracie is alot like her Daddy with a little bit of her Mommy thrown into the mix. (Which is funny to'd think like Father like Son...but the opposite has proven to be true for us. Clayton is more like myself. It's scary actually.) Emma is going to be another giant like Big Brother....she was off the charts at her 15 month checkup - even more so than Clayton at the same age. He had better watch out how much abuse he deals her because before long she will probably be getting the upper hand! Emma is a little behind Clayton at the same age as far as vocabulary and some other skills but we're confident that she'll catch up. Her doctors just chalk it up to "Second Child Syndrome" - No need to talk because everyone does it for you (although I really don't think this is true!) Emma is a HUGE Dora the Explorer fan. I would call her a fanatic. She can be in the middle of a fist pounding fit and she'll hear the Dora theme song and just perk right up. "Dor-a" was one of her very first words. Can you guess what there is going to be alot of under our Christmas tree ?

Silly Time!

Goofy pics but still cute as heck!

Clayton's 1st School Program

Clayton's very first program was Wednesday, November 22, 2006. He goes to preschool at Sacred Heart School in Reedsburg. It was a Fall/Thanksgiving program that lasted about 20 minutes. They did 3 little songs about Bubble Gum, Turkey Feathers and Thanksgiving. It was adorable. All the kids did absolutely fabulous. Naturally, Clayton was the cutest and most talented! He had an entire cheering section as his Grandparents, Aunt "Sashi" and Cousin Dakota all came out to cheer him on.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Beach Bums

Living so close to Lake Redstone is fantastic for us! In the summer, we usually hit the beach about 3-4 times a week. Clayton and Emma Grace are waterbugs!

A Day at the Park

Looks like too much park for Emma Grace!

Throwing water on my Daddy!

Seeing as we spent the better part of the Summer living across from Webb Park in Reedsburg we spent alot of time there.

And They Just Keep Getting Cuter.....

Darn Cute Kids

Turkey Hunting 2006

Brian's very first Turkey kill. 22 lbs, 9 in. beard and 1 1/4" spurs. Anyone who cares about these details obviously knows about turkey hunting. Brian was thrilled! The tailfeathers are now prominently displayed in our family room.

Happy 3rd Birthday Clayton!

New Discovery: Emma LOVES Pizza and Breadsticks!
Clayton in his new Power Ranger suit. Yes. He had to have it on immediately. In Pizza Hut.

The Party Boys!

Here are some pics from Clayton's 3rd Birthday on April 24th. We just had a small party at Pizza Hut but Clay had a blast and made out like a bandit.

My Fish is Bigger Than Daddy's!!!!!!

Part of me wants to think that Brian always looked forward to having a son: four wheeling, snowmobiling, hunting and fishing. That might be changing now that Clayton consistently outfishes Daddy. No kidding - at a ratio of about 12:1. Here they are fishing at the Lake Redstone Waterfall. They never catch anything here but it's like Brian says, " If Clayton can't catch a fish one is going to!" And Clayton catches all of them on his little $10 Taz fishing pole. He even caught a turtle this summer at Hemlock.

Happy Easter!

Here are some Easter Pics! Better late than never.... And you will notice that the JC's Easter Bunny is SCARY! It was no lie!

Clayton coloring Easter Eggs! His favorite part of Easter!

You will notice that Clayton is not getting too close to the scary-as-sin Easter Bunny! :)

Emma Grace and her very first Easter Basket!