Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter Eve!

This being the Saturday before Easter, we were very busy. We were up early and on the road with kids and Aunt "Sashi" in tow. First, we had breakfast with the Easter Bunny in Reedsburg. It was put on by the Jaycee's. It's a very nice idea and definitely appealed to Clayton. But the JC's need some work on this. For starters, your Easter Bunny was ugly as HELL!!! Faded, gross costume. They definitely need to find a new costume! He had zero personality and zero interest at the task in hand. (Give me the damn costume - I'll show them how it should be done!) Then when EB wasnt's standing there watching them make pancakes, he/she was outback having a smoke break (although I am pretty certain this EB was a male.) And EB should be meeting children at the door or walking around talking to them and handing out candy. The JC's did not bother to have any place set up w/a cute background where children/families could have their pictures taken with the EB. And the food was not great (dried out sausages, cold pancakes). But what should you expect for $5? All things aside though, Emma and Clayton were pretty enchanted with this loser of an Easter Bunny. After breakfast, we hurried out to the La Valle Sportsmen's Club for an Easter Egg Hunt. It is put on by the Sportsmen's Club as well as a bunch of other local businesses including our snowmobile club. The Jaycee's could take lessons from these guys! Clayton went with Dakota last year and was absolutely dying to go back this year. They have a great set up. And they divide everyone up into age brackets and put them in different areas of difficulty. We put Clay with the 3-4 yr olds because I feared that he might plow the 0-2 yr olds over (I think the rest of the 0-2 yr olds came up to his chin, maybe) We signed Emma up but she fell asleep and didn't "hunt" with her age group. For the little group of 0-2 yr olds, they pretty much just throw the eggs out on the ground and it becomes a scramble for eggs. The 3-4 yr old do a little bit more "hunting" in a grassy field with some trees. Clayton enjoyed it but I think he preferred the big swingset with a clubhouse on it more. We stuck around for the prize drawing and BOTH Emma and Clayton won a nice prize! Emma won a big, extremely fluffy, stuffed duck. And CLayton won a 2 ft tall chocolate Easter Bunny. He has his Daddy's sweet tooth so he was in heaven! And just to let you know, this Easter Bunny was adorable and friendly! Cute! Cute! Cute! After the hunt, they also served up cute sugar cookies and beverages to everyone. And it was all free. Thank You Sportsmen! Now everyone but me is home napping. They all passed out by Noon! Pictures to come soon......

Friday, April 14, 2006

Random Pictures For Your Enjoyment!

Clayton...the little stinker. You can't keep him away from the garden hose in the summer!
Emma...all cute and sitting up so nice!
Clayton and a portion of his pre-Christmas dinosaur collection. This is about 1/10th of what we have now.
Emma Grace all cozied up in her towel after a bath!
Cowboy Clayton with his hat and little else!

Our New Housemate

My baby sister Tasha has moved in with us while she is transitioning to her own place. Needless to say, Clayton is in heaven. As he says "Aunt Sashi is really crazy with me!" She is a wild and crazy 21 yr old who thinks her little nephew is hilarious. I'm not sure Clayton is going to let her move out when the time comes. Here is a cute pic of them at Thanksgiving. Of course Emma Grace loves having another person to dote on her as well. Here is Aunt Sashi, Princess Emma and Fisher all snoozing on the sofa at Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Eight Months Old Today!

Little Emma Grace is 8 Months Old today! Where did the last year and half ago? I do not remember when it was just Brian and I. And I barely remember when it was just the three of us...Brian, Clay and myself. I thought that going from one child to two would be this huge, overwhelming adjustment. It hasn't been. From the day she came home, Emma blended right in as part of our family. She is a good baby - but not as good as everyone would like to believe! My sister Tasha calls her the "Baby Diva" and it fits her 100%. It's Emma's way or the highway (I frequently ask myself why of all traits, did BOTH of my children have to inherit that one from me!!!) I swear Clayton slept better than she does at night. I screwed her up somewhere because she slept alot better when we first brought her home. Teething has not been the most pleasant either. She's got 2 teeth on the bottom and if this morning has been any indication, the top is starting. What a little crab! I might have given her to the first person that came to our door. Luckily she just got mad and went to sleep for a couple hours. Now she is happily playing away, feeding her face with graham crackers and watching her brother jump on the bed. I just can't believe she is 8 Months Old. We have so many big "Firsts" coming up - crawling, walking, talking....I can't wait. It's amazing to watch the world through your children's eyes. Everything takes on new wonder - rainstorms have a been a big fascination for both of them as of late. Everything that we take for granted is new to them. On the other hand, I'd just like her to stay little forever. She's going to be at the Prom before we know it.......

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Not to be forgotten.....

Here is my little nephew Fisher with Emma Grace. He is 3 weeks younger than her. They really like to play least they did until Emma bit him on the arm the last time. She had to test out those new teeth and a fleshy, chubby, little baby arm was probably perfect. Fisher - I had a pic of all the other nieces and nephews. I didn't want you to think you were being forgotten!

Don't we look like TROUBLE?

Don't we look like TROUBLE?

Emma Grace looks scared!

All their recents spats aside, they really do love
each other "so much" (as Clayton says.). Hopefully,
it can stay that way. I'm not looking forward to the
all out, rolling on the floor, screaming matches.
Why can't they just stay little and adorable forever?

The Wild Man!

Here is the little Wild Man himself. *You will notice that he rarely likes to wear clothes.

Cutie Pie!

Emma Grace - all cute and innocent. No one is going to believe that you steal from your brother.

Trains, Trains & More Trains!!!!

First, let me thank everyone who was generous enough to purchase Clayton TONS of Fisher-Price train accessories for previous Christmas' and Birthday's. We have hundreds now. On that note, PLEASE STOP! I cannot take anymore. For the last 2 days we have done nothing but assemble tracks and reassemble tracks. And not only are there tracks...there are station houses, cranes, mountains, bridges, trees, signs, you name it! Fisher-Price did not cut any corners on this! And I think we only have about half of the set! So all day long we play trains. I should state that I am not quite the "Trackmaster" that Brian is. He sets them up into neat configurations in about 10 minutes. It takes me hours and Clayton is constantly following behind rearranging everything because I didn't do it right. He 100% knows how to set these tracks up so I don't know why he wants my help! And this little train set sucks AAA batteries like you would not believe! Ugh..children's toys. And we have a birthday in 2 weeks! On another note, I should state that Emma also LOVES the train set as well as the airport that comes with it. I think that she has officially crossed the line into annoying little sister! She gets over to the track and starts pulling the tracks apart, ripping the planes off the airport (I think that is her favorite!), and stealing the engines. Clayton has zero patience for this. He tries giving her rattles and other "baby" toys but she will not be pacified by anything but pieces of the train set. When Clay tries to take back his toys she holds on with a near death grip as he's trying to pry her fingers off. Meanwhile, she is screeching her little head off and kicking her feet. It is definitely time to go outside and play where they can't harrass each other.

P.S. All things aside, I would actually highly recommend this little train set to any child in the 2-5 yr old range. It's wonderful, really.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Flowers & Spring

Here is little Emma Grace at 5 months old....cute as can be!

Happy Birthday Cheyenne!!!!

My little niece Cheyenne turned 1 yr old yesterday! Happy Birthday Chey Pie! What a little cutie!

Thank You Soldiers!

Here are some pictures of my baby brother Colt. He is currently serving in the Middle East as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Specialist Colt Froehlich...we are so proud of you!!! Doesn't he look so grown up?

Emma Grace Too!

And I figured since I had a pic of Clayton, I had better post one of Miss Emma so it would be fair :)
**This is from a couple of months ago...I just like the picture. Sticking her tongue out for a picture! She must get tired of having the camera shoved in her face. And she definitely has lots more crazy red hair now!

Clayton's Big Fish

I know most everyone has heard the big fish story and seen the big fish picture but I thought it would add it on here as a nice start! Clayton and Daddy with the big Walleye!

Let's Get Started!!!

The Honer's are (finally) joining the blogging world! Since so many of you always ask what we are doing and what Clayton and Emma are up is your chance to stay up to date! You can find out everything here! Or at least what we are willing to publicly disclose... Be patient as we build our site...and keep checking back.